Before his week at camp with his fourteen-year-old son, Gerald had never spent time alone with Gerald, Jr. Relatives brought son to visit father, but they were never alone. Gerald, Sr. confided to us that he was anxious about what he would say to his son for five hours a day during camp. Prior to camp, during most of their bi-weekly teleconferences, Gerald, Jr. sat slouched in the chair, arms folded and refusing to say much. Since camp, that has all changed. Now, during their hour long conversations there is laughter and never any dead air. And now, Michelle, Gerald’s daughter has started to participate in the teleconferences. Before the first teleconference they had never laid eyes on each other, and little Gerald had never met her. But when they all came together it was as if they have all known each other for life. Both Michelle and Gerald are in college now. Their schools are just blocks away from each other and they are constant companions.
Gerald and Michelle